Saturday 4 October 2008

Will You Go?

I had a dream the other night and for the first time in my life I woke up and realised that this was not a dream, it was a vision. It seemed to come from beyond the mess of my subconscious, its content was so much bigger than me like something bigger than me was speaking through me.
I don't know where to begin with describing it, it was a synthesis of so many big things that made sense and yet when I woke up I knew exactly what was being said to me. It was a question being asked of me, a big question set so perfectly in the context of all that I have been preoccupied lately.
I'm not going to go into all the details, I'll just try to put the most important points. I wonder is it right of me to communicate a vision here, but maybe putting it into words will lead me into it again...
Before this part of the dream, I was dreaming normal dreams, there was something about the novel "War and Peace" and being stuck around two difficult men staying in my home who hated and were cruel to me and yet I was being forced (perhaps by my family or mum, I can't recall) to put up with them and suppress increasing violent rage...none of it really stuck out, it was one of those dreams that you knew was processing some emotion or other, I don't know and I don't know where the novel came in anyway...
It was a new sequence, the start of which is really really vague for me and makes no logical sense but yes has a kinaesthetic feeling of rightness. I was at the cinema watching one of the "Three Colours" movies, but there seemed to be some confusion about which one it was. The movie was over, but there seemed to be a bit at the end which I was compelled to stay on for. (Actually that is the case with that particular trilogy, a sequence at the end which ties together all three movies)
I was watching it, but suddenly I was in it...I was one of the extras and though the main female role was being played by Julie Delpy (the heroine of Three Colours White which is my favourite of the three) by the end of it, it was me.
I went through a post office to a garden where a man was waiting for something. (There had been something about a train station too which I couldn't recall.) He had been waiting there for some time and a crowd had joined him. I wasn't sure if the thing he was waiting for had already arrived and recurred on a regular basis or if it hadn't arrived yet.
It was night and we were waiting for the coming of something, we didn't know what it was and he didn't say what it was. He was an older man, like an older version of Jean-Marc Barr out of "The Big Blue", a man I think is really beautiful looking. He just played with children but he was waiting for the heroine too. She didn't know why she was there. It was an uneasy wait, people were jostling, someone fell into a pond and she fished them out. We were looking up into the sky. There was a sense of "What are we waiting for? Why are we here? Will it even come?"
The sky was grey with wispy clouds, the garden was dark. "Ah" I thought, wanting to make sense, wanting to know what I was expecting before it even came. "We are waiting for the dawn. Perhaps we are all waiting for the dawn to come so that we can see the new day together and realise how beautiful it is so we can all live new lives." This comforted me.
And then the dawn came and I was the heroine. Yes the dawn was beautiful, the sky illuminated with colour beyond anything that you can ordinarily conceive. Here I began to realise that this was coming from somewhere so far beyond me that it was so much BIGGER than what I had been expecting. And it was a terrible frightening beauty because suddenly the earth began to shake, things fell from the sky and the world as we knew it began to be destroyed.
The man drew me to him, he alone had known that this would happen, and that there was hope in this, it needed to be. As I drew close I lost my fear. "I have loved you forever and ever" he said to me (or something to that effect but MORE, the feeling was more than the words) "I have been waiting for you. Will you go?"
"Will you go?" I woke up with this question blazed at the forefront of my mind and a distinct certainty that "This is no mere dream."

A small postscript which could be my fancy and means nothing but strikes me as amusing and hindsightful...two days later I met an man who looked like an older Jean-Marc Barr!


Mark said...

Fascinating. Dreams like this operate in 'kairos' rather than 'chronos', that's why they seem so much... well, larger, significant and more than likely contain a predictive element too- at least in terms of realising potential.Your dream/vision is actually very epic and romantic in quality and mood and my guess is it's most probably to do with your relationships and art. Biding your time?? Waiting for a new phase in your life journey to begin?? It's telling you you're on the edge of something really thrilling but a quite scary at the same time. The beauty of it is frightening because it seems to be accompanied by demolishment of things- but it is irresistable too-and bigger than you think you can handle. The dream is filled with colour too- which is cos the artist in you is being awoken right now. Only you can really interpret this, but you might well consider the idea of the handsome man to be a higher guide or angel, if that's not too far out. It's all good though, of that I'm sure. :-)
It was lovely to see 2nite you before you went back. Hope the journey home is ok, Sarah. Keep us posted re your classes etc. If you need any advice with them I'll of course be more than happy to help out if I can.
I know you'll be busy but I'd like the Tally's Blood CD by the 14th Oct if at all possible. Does that give you enough time?
Talk to you soon,
love and light,

Seralu said...

Yeah I think you may be very close to the mark (excuse the pun muhahahaha!) there...some of your interpretation had occurred to me too. (God bless the collective unconscious!) But it never occurred to me that the man might be a higher guide or angel, that makes alot of sense! And the artist element hadn't occurred to me too. 14th Oct is plenty of time. Think I will get most of it done the next couple of days...Thank you for your offer of help. I am gonna come up with some ideas and then run them past you if thats ok.
Was lovely to see you too. I wish I could have spent more quality time with the people who matter though. I am quite tired and frazzled, things with the boy very difficult :( Reptiles galore! Big massive crocodiles and alligators. I feel so far even from the First Mansion.
Could it be said that solitude can lull you into a false sense of security at times?

Mark said...

Sorry to hear that. Tricky one this. May I be presumptuous one this time, and stick in my ha'pence worth??
Your Higher Self wants you to be fulfilled and to feel connected all the time, though it may not seem like it just now. You may have been conditioned to believe that suffering and hardship are normal and necessary in your relationships, but this is not Truth. I think you may be conditioned to turn inconsequential issues into fierce dramas at times, when they may be little more than fears that distract you from your true path. Illusions (see ACIM). Having said that, believing that hardship and drama are necessary makes it so, and perhaps there are very good reasons for your conditioning.
But you have enough wisdom now to trust whatever your inner voice is telling you, Sarah. Stop right now, if you can, those egoic and carping voices that talk of struggle, of suffering. This may be hard to do, but above all refuse to entertain inner monologues which focus on guilt, for they are not from your higher self. Ignore the compunction to feel any more gratitude than is comfortable, and banish feelings of 'shame', or (God forbid!) 'sympathy'. Your first duty must ALWAYS be to you, your own soul, and maintaining faithfulness to your own inner voice. I am not recommending selfishness or coldness, actually the very opposite, but there has to come a point when you have to love yourself over the possibility of dissolving your own integrity for the sake of another. You need to view the problem from the perspective of your Higher Self no matter how much you may fear doing so, and then take appropriate action in Love. He seems such a sweet, generous boy; but he also appears, at least to me to be skimming on the surface, a bit like a pebble on top of the water- skittish, never quite hearing you, trying very hard to break through, but fuzzy, distracted and frantic, doing his best to keep up while smiling, smiling. He seems to me to be really kind, and he's funny (well, sometimes!! :-)), but he is using up so much of his creative energy trying to stay 'on the surface' that he's unable to discern his own inner voice. He is a true friend to you and clearly loves you very much in his own way, but he doesn't understand you, and he gives me the impression he's frightened of losing you. I may be wrong, after all I'm articulating my initial impressions based on a very brief meeting where real conversation was more or less impossible, but he seemed very uncomfortable with the mere prospect of having to touch on any thing remotely 'meaningful' or addressing deeper questions. Was it just me? When you went off to the loo I tried asking him about the difficulties of being long-term unemployed (my own fears!), how he copes, and he quickly deflected, claiming he just smoked more dope with his friends and preferred to blot it out.


In the final analysis, a partner- no matter how close- cannot, indeed MUST not be your ultimate responsibility. He wouldn’t want that either if he really loves you. If you do stay together I suspect he might avoid getting himself sorted out. I repeat, he is NOT your responsibility, and although I want for you to be happy and content- and him too- I can't really envision a future for you as ‘an item’. Your lives are destined to go in entirely separate directions- sooner rather than later. The deep divisions are already there. I thought at one point there was going to be a big row about the mixing of the SFX and I felt I was in the middle of something far, far bigger than just a mild disagreement! He wasn't listening to you.
I really don't think it's too much time spent with Professor Solitude that has caused you to wander off path. Actually I wonder whether you've had enough time on your own!! Your dreams tell you you must make your inner and outer life more congruent, and this will demand sacrifice before you can reap the deeper spiritual rewards and be able to apply it in your relationships. Soon you and he will be on opposite sides of the world, that's if he can get his life properly started. You are already separated by 300 odd miles and the North Sea- not to mention entirely different ways of approaching reality! There is no right or wrong about this- you're quite simply different! Your own interior castle has to have a room where you can bring these issues into the light, where it is safe for you to wrestle these crocs and alligators into submission with mature, responsibile compassion (both for yourself and for the boy) and, with a love that goes beyond co-dependence, just make the decision. And then move on.
The boy will be ok. So will you.

You must release yourself first of all of any obligations to following his path: but make a deeper commitment to your own above all else. Inevitably there are important life-lessons for you to learn from the relationship, but if you remain unsure what they are then perhaps that could be a reason to stay- or else leaving would deprive you of necessary growth. Just be sure those reptiles are really yours, not his. Ask yourself, 'What is the higher purpose of this relationship? What soul qualities does it help me develop...? Patience? Trust? Tolerance? Companionship? Forbearance? Courage? Boundaries? Integrity? Compromise? Care? Love? Mercy? Sacrifice? Communication? Listening? None of these? Is it possible to learn the lessons more rapidly and easily elsewhere , or is he the perfect fellow traveller for this particular stage of your journey?'

Your heart already knows what to do.

So my advice is-

Do it.

Sorry if I overstep the mark (ah, the crap pun again) but it's meant in loving friendship and hope it's of help.

Seralu said...

Mark, you are an angel. Thank you so much for your timely reply...I am so amazed how much you understood that I was struggling even to put into words. Thank you for doing that for me and thank you for doing it without villifying the Boy. I was so reluctant to speak to anyone about it, because everyone always just goes straight to doing that and it isn't fair on him. That isn't the issues at all...
Firstly, I think I have moved past the conditioning for struggle and suffering in relationships in my mind, I certainly have no desire for drama and that is what is so draining...

"Ignore the compunction to feel any more gratitude than is comfortable, and banish feelings of 'shame', or (God forbid!) 'sympathy'."

THIS is what is what is keeping me in there. I don't know how you managed to describe it so perfectly. I just really really don't want to hurt him. You are right though, enduring this suffering may be egoic even if I don't mean it to be. I want this idea of myself as being kind while all the while knowing I am betraying myself.
Thank you for describing him in such a compassionate way. You are very accurate. And yes, he admits it himself, he is very afraid of losing me. In his own words, its up to me, he will take me any way he can have me. I think you are right, and I have tried to hint it to him, that he will be better off when he can no longer focus on me. I keep trying to talk to him about his future but he just blots it out.
I guess he has never been in love before.
Thank you also for noticing that he doesn't listen to me. It's torture! And I don't understand his logic. Because he has no deep beliefs it is impossible to discuss anything because he just contradicts himself all the time and talks in order to "win". We argued two nights solid over something stupid and I got no sleep.

"You are already separated by 300 odd miles and the North Sea- not to mention entirely different ways of approaching reality! There is no right or wrong about this- you're quite simply different!"

This is what I was trying to tell him. That there is no wrong but I can't go on like this. I was so relaxed coming home and after a few days with him my nerves were completely shot!!! Even my body is rebelling against this relationship...
I definitely need more time alone. I am quite relieved to be back, no offence to anyone in Glasgow. I get so much done here. It's just when I am on my own I can imagine that I am ok with all these issues until I am faced with them and things go to pot! That's why I was wondering if I was wimping out somewhat...But yeah MORE time with Professor Solitude may be in order.
I was focusing so much on the possibility that these might be MY reptiles that I did not consider I could be struggling with his. I don't think there is a higher reason to stay in the relationship. I simply am waiting for the natural break that will come with his going away. I told him as much. (Not in a callous way like that though, just that I would stay till he goes, but if he hadnt going it would be very difficult for me to keep on with the relationship.) I am something of a coward perhaps for not wanting to be cruel.
I can't believe you could see all that without me even telling you!
You know the weird thing is that the dream had a prophetic quality to it too...I don't take it literally, but two days after the dream I met the first person I have been attracted to in...oh ages! (The older person we were joking about in the cafe.) I think in the dream, the man was a guide, but you know the way things can have different levels in dreams simultaneously? I mentioned that the man in the dream was older, french and "looked like an older version of Jean-Marc Barr" (the guy outta The Big Blue)?
That is an exact description of the person I met two days later who I found so attractive. Particularly his manner which is very graceful and humble and gentle. Now I don't think this means that I will see this particular person again. But was it confirmation that I am looking for something else and then I was shown that something else does exist??? Sorry I am not making much sense...but the two things are very linked and I am trying to understand how. Can dreams be slightly prophetic?
The way I see it, I want to be on my own now - I just wonder was it a hint that in the future I might meet someone completely unknown that surprises me and both the dream and the random meeting gave hints of the qualities I really like?
And you know its so nice to have a silly schoolgirl crush after all this...mess! Hee Hee

You're the best, Oracle Coleman!
Love and Light