Saturday, 6 September 2008

Tales from Home

The last part of August was such a time of upheaval, illness and overall numbness that I couldn't bring myself to write at all. I guess I was in a state of dread at the prospect of a big move (I HATE packing!), a state of alternate futility and rebellion at my job where I seemed to get no financial return for the hours I was putting in, only rudeness from the higher level staff, and all this led to a state of panic about my finances and my energy levels. Blah Blah Blah. You can see why I didn't bother to write about it!!!
So now I am home. And while I am terribly sad to leave my lovely friends in Glasgow, some of whom mean a great deal to me, and while I was terribly touched by the way many of them turned up at such short notice for my leaving drinks at Bar 91, and while part of me is hurting at the thought of my boyfriend being sad at my leaving him and feeling a bit bad that I was so preoccupied and numb in the time running up to my departure, as if I couldn't be present to him in the time that he had left with me...I am feeling much better now. And everything seems to be confirming that this is the right decision.
Nature is everywhere here. And I have said it before but I do not realise how much I have been missing it until I come back into it again. I have had long walks by the sea every day since I have been back. Yesterday I walked for 90 minutes while my Mum had coffee with her friend and it was wonderful. On Thursday the weather was so lovely I even went for a swim in the sea at Blackrock. I haven't done that since I was a child! The water was freezing at first, so much so that I thought I was going to faint as soon as I immersed my body in it, but I quickly got accustomed and swam out to the raft and back twice. And when I got out of the water, my whole body was tingling deliciously and it was a pleasure to wrap myself up warm in my clothes again.
Mum and I have been cooking simple and healthy meals which I have been really enjoying - homemade vegetable soup with open soda bread sandwiches, peppered steak with salad and potatoes, quiche and salad, weetabix and banana. I know all of this is going to bring my energy levels back to the point where I will feel like I can really do things again.
We listened to the first cd of Carolyn Myss' "Entering the Castle" yesterday evening and enjoyed it greatly, I listened to most of the second cd while I walked the prom today. I love what she has to say. I think I will take up her suggestion and take up a private journal as I work through her cd. I definitely want to get the book too. This is a quiet, simple time for me, for rest and reflection, for catching up with myself and for simply letting things happen.
A solution has presented itself for my financial problems, so Mum and I are going to go into the bank on Monday to see if it is possible to implement. I think it will be and it will take all that pressure off. As regards an income, Mum has spoken to the convenience store just three minutes from where we live and it is a quiet area, and they may have some part time work for me, which would be perfect for the moment. So I will find out about that after the weekend.
Even musically things seem to be ironing out so far. First of all, I was pleasantly surprised to read in the paper that one of my favourite DJ/producers Sebastien Leger was to play in the GPO last night. I've wanted to see him for so long and never expected that he would play in Galway as he is quite a big name and we are quite a small city with a limited club scene (apparently). So my brother and his friend Marie came with me last night and we had an absolute blast! The crowd was great, we danced alot and had some friendly banter and got to shake Leger's hand after a really fun set. (Though I wish he had played a little more of his own stuff which is so deliciously clever and quirky and punchy...apparently he writes it on Ableton, or such was the information I managed to elicit from him before he was whisked off in a car!)
On top of that, there is a music course in Logic Express especially for DJs who want to start producing their own music, one evening a week in GTI and it is well reasonable. Mum and I have started a little pot to attract money for it over the next two weeks. And so far I have had a couple of wee windfalls. So I now have €17.50 saved towards the €115 it will cost! (Note for Mark, think the course will be helpful in my work for TB too!)
And FINALLY I got the recording software for my DJ sets working, so the last two days I have recorded an hour of mixing each, to listen back and see what works and what doesn't. Not feeling majorly inspired just now, but pressing on anyhow and so glad to have my complete set-up by the window, looking out on the lawn and the fields beyond...I have a set ready to record and my brother who loves doing graphics is well up for doing the cd covers to hand out.
Also my other brother, Paddy is familiar with Reason (though he has Reason 3) and I am gonna spend a few hours over at his to learn a bit more and hook up his midi controller to my computer so I can do more interesting stuff...
When I have some cash saved and all debts sorted, I am going to get my hair cut (tis an absolute disaster!) and get some new headshots done so I can blitz Dublin and Glasgow with acting cvs. Just to put myself out there and see what comes back...And am thinking of talking to a few places in Galway next week about teaching classes, once it all starts coming together in my head a bit more. There is alot to do, but I have the time and space to do it now...And as I just said, see what comes back. And that will be a clue as to what I am meant to do...


Mark said...

Great to read your news, and delighted to hear your mind, body and spirit are feeling the positive effects of nature, the ocean and good home cookin’. It sounds as if this sabbatical is the most powerful way to use your time right now and it must be a great blessing to have the help and support of your mum and brothers too. God’s Holy Spirit can feel much closer to us in what Theresa called ‘times of quietude’. It’s then we can gently transfer our centre of power from the outside world back to the inner world. (Fuck, that's a bit pious-sounding isn't it!?!? I may delete that!) Yeah, I really think you and Mary'll enjoy Entering the Castle the book even more than the CDs. I’d have lent you my copy before you left but I’d pencilled loads of ‘deep and personal’ notes to myself in the margins!! Best of luck with the plans for saving, job hunting, classes, course, publicity photos etc.

We were over at Robert’s for supper again tonight. He's agreed to play Massimo in Tally’s Blood opposite Karen. He’s transfered course at Uni from Business Management to Advertising and PR instead and is totally loving it.

Sending prayers & light as always :-)

Seralu said...

Glad you didn't delete that! Was good positive reinforcement of what I hope this time will achieve...
I am looking forward to getting the book. I think I may even have a few quid which I can spend on it as I think twould be a worthy aquisition! You need your own copy as it sounds like you are getting alot out of it too.
Am slowly managing to get the finances sorted, at least the biggest problem and should hear back RE a wee job soon, so fingers crossed! I feel confident that everything I need will be provided and that my money will be completely in hand by Christmas.
Mum doesn't have much money since she finished up with the shop and it is a blessing in disguise as I think this period will really really teach me how to manage myself so I will never again need to be "fed through the bars" as you so eloquently put it!!!
And with the coming recession which is all they seem to be talking about in Ireland, it is a blessed opportunity to really downsize and learn the survival skills for this period. Perhaps recession is a way of teaching a society how to harness their resources for what really matters? In any case, I'm more stimulated than afraid! And I wouldn't let recession swerve your resolution either...
Delighted to hear Robert has found something he loves! He will be BRILLIANT at Advertising and PR! It makes sense in terms of all those myriad skills we were speaking of :-) And so happy he is in the play too...what a nice crew you are gonna have!
Really looking forward to hearing those Sacred Contract cds. I listen to an Entering the Castle one every day when I am walking. Will email you my address for when you get a chance to send em.
And likewise if I come across anything, I shall send it over to you! Although you usually have read everything I come across ya Monkey!
Lots of Love and Light back...
Chat soon X